poem: ever my tangled

Portuguese Saturdays &
I wanna be a vegemite girl
Heyday visions, the grey highways
Down the deal-making overtures
You make your way through
Blue alleys, gallivanting
The miseries, the Hugos
The Victors, the caveats,
Caviling vestries, blooming
Rooms, glooming blooms
Down the ashstruck walkways:
Cherish your memories, mes amis,
The visions deep-fried,
Freezer-burned into wrists,
Thighs, calves, penetrating the
Deep, the cavalry brigades gathering
For recompense, softening
The heart’s fissures, polar
Perambulations, dreaming the flowered
Adumbrations, I will dream of you,
You dream of me, sample
Scores of halcyon daze
Snide murky murmurs fading,
Easter bonnets de rigueur, as we
Shimmy down the avenues
With bristling prides fading
You were ever my sympathique
You are ever my tangled stream
You will come to be my cantilevered,
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