poem: miss if

we are in the fallen times
cherishing fixtures
regaling the puppyloves
sensing the long division
of vigorous anonymity
these were the wheres
when she gathered the rest
of you and by the Hoovers
and catalytics left you begging
for more. quickened, you
lacked plenty, lacked soul,
lacked the multigrain variety
of sensate virility: gather
gloom, you reminded,
seeming treasure,
refinancing yesterday's dreams:
Friday aftertimes,
all your little Dickinsons
tatty natting while
world and brother &
little Suzi all go to hell
why trill the blowzy news
when your banana mantras
hail the returns
I saw you in the midnight
I rang for the rest we'd
left in the wicked mire
I sang the reminders,
the severals
the red severance
down the mountain the rains
the stenographers of
grackle moons, rushing
the lithe, the pre-sorted,
the charisse'd calves
mesmerized by the dashboard
catch that little miss
if you can
if you dare
if you care
to last the rest of your daze:
occipital ziggurats
you know how to
& in the latter days
Labels: slanted sashay
I loved this one. It has so many cool words and a weird beat. The phrase triangular, occipital ziggurats really tickled my fancy. All I can do it picture a person with a tower growing out of his forehead, a unicorn perhaps???
yes, all will tell
well done sir
Teresa: How cool that unicorn came through: completely unintentional, but they have been around: my advisory kids and I had to decorate a pole for the Fall Festival. One piped up with, "Let's do rainbow-puking unicorns!" And so we did . . . A couple dozen of them. Very Picasso-esque R-PUs at that.
Thank you much, TLee.
Well, a unicorn with a ziggurat horn is definitely Picasso-esque. So one must have followed you home from school.
Teresa: Clearly. Seems to have finished with the rainbows, though.
haha Teresa's imagination made me laugh.
The megarapidshare is what got my attention, this is a megarapidshare world and these are some megarapidshare days, I believe. But it also feels that much of it lacks plenty, lacks soul...so now I'm listening to your musical selection.
DM: How good to hear from you on this most excellent Halloween! You're right about Teresa: she's definitely got the uni-vibe, for sure.
I agree about the megarapidsharedness of this world these days: been feeling plenty of it myself, which accounts in part for my relative absence from these airwaves. I feel it in lots of places, though: feeling that I am getting lost in too many shuffles, need to drop out and see the blue sky, the green grass. See it, breathe it: not just ramble through it at a fast clip.
I'm reading Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild: I'm surely no Chris McCandless, but I can feel more of that call he was feeling, more than I've felt in a while, more than I felt when I first encountered the book. Sean Penn's movie is a fine adaptation, too.
I loved the occipital ziggurats (ziggurats is one of those words I just love - say is fast and angry and it sounds like you are calling someone an awful name) but my inner child loved tatty natting while
world and brother &
little Suzi all go to hell
tatty natting - who couldn't love that lol
Little Suzi better wake up cuz the internet police don't cotton to the drumhum rapidshare downloading and they WILL tell :) Fun one!
Dee: I liked that "occipital ziggy" combo meself: just enuff slant rhyme to please the Belle of Amherst sheself.
Happies: Halloween, All Souls, All Saints, and dia de los muertos, not to mention Paschal Murat's and Anne Proffitt Goulish's Birthday Weeks.
Happy Birthday week, Murat. Many happy returns. So glad the unicorn stopped vomiting rainbows so you didn't have to wipe the sherbety swirls of rainbow puke off your linoleum. Rainbows can get quite sticky, you know.
Teresa: So that's what the sticky on my kitchen floor is! Thanks for the birthday wishes!
In fallen times, moving with grace is one way to remember to keep on moving until you find it, and I love the way you danced your way through this long-legged poem.
Your poems always feel like they come in one smooth gesture, each part so connected to the next that picking out favorite lines or phrases inevitably leads to quoting with the entire poem. Gotta admit, though, that sharp characterization of "quickened, you/lacked plenty, lacked soul,/lacked the multigrain variety/ of sensate virility" made me laugh, as well.
The attending angel does not look particularly happy with the scene below, might even be a bit judgmental. After reading all the comments about the occipital ziggurats, I'm wondering if Tina might have a painting in the works to accompany this poem. ... sure would love to see it, if she does.
Thanks for the birthday wishes -- hope you are enjoying an excellent and joyous birthday week as well!
Anno: I do so love your take on this poem and its process. I'm not sure about smooth, but they do flow at one brief sitting, maybe kin to the gestures of a zen calligrapher.
I chose the angel as Eros: whether he is truly Eros or not, I can't say, nor can I tell his attitude to the proceedings. According to Plato's Symposium, he is born of Poros (Plenty) and Penia (Poverty). Those two seem to collide a lot in our lives, for richer and poorer . . .
For starters, drumhum advocates for dyslexia beautifully, as observed in grackle moonlight, in the last days.
Teresa wishes you a happy birthday week. Is it already?
San: All for advocating for aixelsyd, any time I can. Drumhum just seemed the better of two evils. Birthday week is indeed upon us; birthday day is Saturday the 6th.
Hello to you!
There's still a little of the dazzling cake Flan made for me over at my place. Wander over and have a nibble when you have the chance...
San: I'll at least get there through the ethers.
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