poem: robbers singing

the blistering limestone fog
caramelized onions, dipping the
soul sisters of bangladesh
the dairy queens of
lactose intolerance,
intolerant fashion queens
frisky in their spunky tights
robin hood robbers
singing in the church
for four hours, it
was after that i
couldn't sleep, i couldn't
say what i was saying
mardi gras in
the infinite glory of
joan of arc
driving, driving the
polish divas
nouns and hours
in the nunsense
of the riverside,
the dairyside,
the everside
Labels: fair motion no fair
well mooniacs is just the best new word in forever- I may have to steal that one. The observance, the seeing and then the deep, can't say what you say, heart filled with the seeing and saying. The robin hood robbers singing in the church, and the driving by the side of all is a deep, deep well that you have reflected here. Loved it all!
The dairy queens of lactose intolerance??? Love that line.
Dee: Grand theft luna: all yours - steal away. Wrote this on the riverside deck at Cafe Mozart in Austin, listening to good music, while also eavesdropping on a woman who droned on to her date about all manner of churchy things, not least of which was singing for four hours and not knowing . . .
Austin was the first place I learned (12 years ago) the art of artful thievery, eavesdropping in the coffee shops of Clarksville.
Good morning, Teresa. Thanks for seeing the flares. I liked the line, too, when it dropped in. Had nothing to do with the church woman.
In truth, I was not eavesdropping: she was so loud and insistent in her drone that she was eavesdropping MY thoughts.
Mozarts is very much in my top ten favorite Austin places. First visit a girl was playing guitar and singing blues, coffee, cheesecake and wireless? I thought about moving in. They were roasting beans that could be smelled in the parking lot. Hopefully I will be on the list for conference in February - Mozart's and Trudy's (mango marguerita and stuffed avocado)pretty close to perfection.
Dee: Here's to your making the Nirvana list in February. Keep that birthday celebration going.
I liked the word "mooniacs," too. That coffee house must have been a very happening place last night.
Count me in on a birthday party in February with mango margueritas, stuffed avocados, and haunting blues music (Mozart is welcome, too, especially in Mozart ball chocolate candy form for dessert).
Teresa: February mooniacs: sounds good to me. We move off into the hills, we can howl at la luna tambiƩn.
I love the nunsense - having been educated in a nuns' school, I thought it was all incredibly nunsensical. ;)
DM: Love it. You know, of course, how close nuns' school is to rhyming with numbskull. Good to hear from you, amiga.
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