poem: catamaran moons

"Intersection collisions rank as the 2nd
most expensive type of traffic accident . . ."
Karaoke no-fault divorce ranks first,
rankling the ingenuity of your
single digit data farms
irrigating the sanitary enslavements
dissipating the yellow cabs of
a green future, making abundantly
clear just how much the willful
dither, complaining of salt
in the gears of war,
flawless navigations of
the neti pots, overlords
nasaling all the fragments -
yours, mine, April's convex
catamaran moons
insinuating pleasures
with Sunny no dime
would do -
five a throw?
who cares, when
Phoebe rings your bell
& the last time
you rounded
beat hell out of you,
cashing in on
the marginalized saints
simple tatters
beyond all manner of rhyme.
Labels: flared de lune
Karaoke no fault divorce?? Love the title: catamaran moons--makes me think of the LA ritual where all these bar patrons go out by the Amtrak rails and moon the train once a year. Long rows of drunken double moons from all ages and all walks of life. Some of them even bring the whole family.
I guess you could call them marginalized "moonies", but I'm not sure that they're saints.
karaoke no fault divorce - love that phrase. Sums up the lack of commitment these days...the willful dithering, weeping salty (or blood) tears in the gears of war. The simple tatters beyond all manner of rhyme. Wonderful phrases but it sounds kind of tired of it all. It matched my mood when I read it last night. Needing a small hole to crawl in and pull in after me for a bit right now. It will pass as the circle turns but oh I hate these moods. They beat the hell out of me and I look for the directions for those flawless navigations but no neti pots for me!
I need me a catamaran moon! Thanks for this. Impeccable timing as always.
I'm in agreement with the others that "karaoke no fault divorce" is a gem of phrase, of a visual to munch upon.
Teresa: Love this wonderfully poetic line of yours: Long rows of drunken double moons from all ages and all walks of life. You disguising your participation?
Dee: At the core of this poem are echoes of my current re-reading of The Catcher in the Rye. Sunny, the throws, Phoebe - all straight from the book. Lots of sadness there, lots of tired of it all. It's not as good as all the old hype, but it's still plenty good enough.
I'll be on the lookout for catamaran moons for all of us: you, Teresa, and me.
Munch away, jsd: munch away.
marginalized saints - love that. my saints haven't even been made yet. Final run through tomorrow for a workshop performance of Los Viejos. Wish you could see it. Hope you had a great summer, and you've got a talented bunch of kids for the year.
Good morning, Richard:
Wish I could see those Viejos. Will be awesome, I've no doubt. YouTube? Cheesy, I know, but...
Great year, great kids, things beginning to cook.
Too much other stuff to get together to get to a video. Five actors, four musicians, minimal staging, about 8 hours worth of rehearsals. This is a first shot, hopefully we'll (I'll) learn something and we'll be off to the next time. The weather gods are also being very fickle with rain and sun coming in five minute increments - or so it seems, so we're set up for an outdoor performance, or an indoor performance. If you want to send me a land address I'll send you a cd of the music behind the music/poems.
No. I was never able to participate. Still haven't gotten my driver's license resurrected. Then I have to get a car. It's far enough away that bus, then commuter train, and bus again just makes me want to stay home and watch the rows of moons on the evening news. This little kids have the cutest bums...
Teresa: I'd say you start your own tradition closer to home. Who sez you can't hail from the nearest window?
Richard: What an awesome production, and well worth the awesome material.
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