poem: parlous

i call the hearts
i mass the vacancies
the perilous depths
simon in his netherwhere
africa in her silence
you and your shores
you and your calling lies
no one knows
the stage
the voiceless rage
for you i call
crawl so low
the tired silence in
your heart's care
the silence of lies
we show the world.
Labels: god knows where
Proof that you’re out there, maybe in your netherwear, absconding with an ancient manhole lid to a parlous state, hounds howling after you... I read your poem on a byway in god knows where when I passed through there, sometime in yesterday’s today. Well I’ll be! I said. A trace of Paschal : )
I read these three poems from the top down and then went back through from the other direction because I wanted to end here. This one wrapped around me. Every line spoke. This may be my favorite poem that you have ever written. God knows where indeed. Where or where did this come from? And the picture paired with it! Lonely, abandoned.
A very desolate poem and posted at 1:06 AM. Hope you are well, bro.
Yo, Duchess. Got your earlier message, and I will get there, you know I will. I've got retina-blast these days, from all the extra work I'm giving the kids. I like the results of the work, but it leaves me less electronically inclined than usual. Hope you took thirds on the coffee.
Dee: Funny how the words wend to other ears and eyes. I cut lines from this poem before posting it and I was not happy with the end, but just left it in the rain to fend for itself. And lo! A favorite. Glad it found a heart's home up north.
Teresa: I am well. This was written in Austin on the coffeehouse riverside deck, listening to some haunting music, beautifully sung: the poem was written parallel to the performance, almost an attempt at translation, since the words were often garbled. Of course, there may be inner islands in need of singing, too, but not to worry: we are well.
1:06 because last night, after an 11 pm return from the football game, was the first time I'd had all week to just vege out with the computer and get caught up on transcribing and trolling my way around the neighborhoods.
so instituto fledglings are creating new and deeper grooves in the brain matter. I'm glad you got a moment to post - the prof needs feeding now and then too :)
Dee: Indeed: deeper grooves in all the matter, and all that matters.
Glad to know you're alive and well. I did enjoy the poem. I didn't have time this morning to write more.
Teresa: It's good to hear from you. I know we're all off on some busy journeys this fall. Keeping you in my thoughts.
I know you did.
And you know I did...
Fourths, actually. Ain't nothin' like zingin' :-D
Wonderful to find you at home here, and such beautiful pieces,too: somehow speaking to yearning, ache, and promise. Loved the idea of inner islands in need of singing as well; it's been that kind of week. Good to hear from you again.
Duchess: Thassa girl.
Anno: Thanks for helping to keep the fires burning. Here's to all the islands.
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