one word holy: coaster

beach boy avatars
muddy riot
drifters and pendergrass
lonesome cowboys
in the krishnamurti aisles
alimentary canals:
the Amsterdam trick
or treat: we regale
the mixed blessings
while peas and roast
beef and tofu
squalor are passed
to the little
kids table
and royal mess alike.
avaricious avatars? why be
so beguiled? whisper
on the downstroke &
see if casual
is Govinda's way or not.
These daze we'd simply
call him a suck-up, but
70's child that he is,
he deserves more
compassion; we'll squiggle
with the moon later:
it's all up for
grabs. now's for the brighter
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Love your holy coaster for cerveza and peas!! By the time you've finished your Dos Equis the moon is definitely all squiggly. And don't knock those 70s children; they be disco warlords!
T: That's true about a cerveza'd moon; cerveza'd anything, for that matter. Things just coast along after that. I can see Donna Summer as a disco warlord(ess): Barry Gibb, not so much.
Barry Gibb--the disco fool ?
Teresa: Most likely, though you know, of course, I'm just spinning a protective covering for my own foot-tapping response to their Saturday Night Fever-y beats. Disco fool would be me, with my own guiltily pleasurable response to B's and Babs' "Guilty" duet.
Well, then they would be the Lord and Lady of Disco, and you would be their fool. I have no problems with that.
T: Walden has taken to calling me, fondly, "Average Man." Fits the Fool of Disco.
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