Sunday Scribblings #210: Deadline

flat in the grey world
receding bald world
antagonistic harems weighing
anchor, Sybils in sibilant
satisfaction, the commas
visit the haystack,
commiserate with the locals
advantageously smelling the salts
while backs are turned.
comb-over visions
placate the cerebellum
squash the local fruit
imbibe the Shasta flavors
at the bottom of the barrel,
bargaining for a lesser
rate, opening the heaven's
gate, abrogating the
feral mate
in the sunshine sunshiny
standoff twixt
alpha and O. passion
locks down the mango
boys; we list
for later.
Labels: placement corridors
Antagonistic harems and feral mates??? Doesn't sound too happy there. Hope you're okay.
jealous all the pissy things kept coming too mind (that and my attention deficit disorder ramble to Vampire Weekend and the song Who Gives an eff about an Oxford Comma)
those balding dudes better watch out for the angry chic gangs - are they looking for a needle? Liked the sing songy rate, gate, mate - eased my mind just fine.
T: Don't mistake the poet for narrator. I'm (meaning, I'm) in the mango grove with the Illustrious One. Fear not. Leave the ferals to the ferals.
Dee: I see you're on the Hoa wavelength. Between combings, the bald ones are ever on the watch out. Pat Boone as their leader: plenty to atone for there.
Um yes there is? Tiger woods too :) No puns forthcoming...
Hoa is awesome. Thanks for the intro!
Dee: Yes, Tiger ain't outta the woods yet, either. He likes his Shasta in many flavors.
aah, watching too much animal planet on the evening news. I totally understand.
T: animal planet on the evening news . . . Ain't that the truth.
I was appalled at the southern California news a couple of days ago. Nothing about the volcano in Iceland, the violence in Thailand, the death tolls from the China earthquake. Do you know what was the TOP STORY of the day? Hugh Hefner scolding Tiger Woods for lying instead of being a man and telling the world that he plays the field in all ways imaginable. The "expert" called in to comment solemnly on this momentous story was none other than one of the former prostitutes who had serviced Elliot Spitzer. After her 15 minutes of fame, she became a "relationship advice columnist/media maven." I thought, that is such a ZOO!
Teresa: Our local broadcast "journalists" would never stoop to anything so mundane as Tiger's predilections. They prefer the higher octane of local murder counts. Y'all need to move uptown, cher.
A statement poem. I'm in awe--that is just something that I will probably never write! Isn't it great to read and see new things?
ps I love the pictures of the mangoes.
aspiemom: I love the (I assume) unintended irony of "statement poem," since I spent the better part of the morning blathering on, as is my wont, about the sins of statement poems. This has been a wonderful day of seeing things through others' eyes.
I took a peek over your way. I teach at a small school with a fair number of Asperger's kids.
Best to you. Thanks for your words and your stopping by.
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