Found poem: On the Tobin Trail This Morning

i. Seen on the Tobin
3 women with iPods
1 man with iPod
The General
4 cyclists
1 recumbent cyclist
red salvia (firespike)
mesquite sapling
raccoon tracks in creek mud
family of 4 and pug
dead squirrel
live squirrel
wild mimosa in bloom
coil of brown shit + flies
4 red-orange poppies
ii. Picked up on the Tobin
a penny
McDonald's coffee cup
2 pieces of cardboard
discarded purple lighter
empty cigarette pack
plastic water bottle
paper towel encrusted with doodle bugs
orange rubber band
Bud Lite can
Cassandra Wilson
(just kidding)
The egret was magnificent.
Labels: rudbeckia
So this was the road trip? Well, picking up Cassandra Wilson leaking out of someone's ipod must have been fun for you... I love egrets. Putting nose back to the grindstone :)
Ha! Picking CW up on an iPod is an amusing fantasy, though it wasn't mine. You're in fine tesseracting form this weekend, Ms T.
So much translating has me jumping around and around internally. That aids in tesseracting :)
Now I'm on to looking over another paper of poetry translations that will eventually get published (hopefully) and a class presentation on Cambodian lit. I already got so stuck on my classical Chinese translation I had to e-mail a query to the professor. It's from a very, very early text and characters did not always mean then what they mean now. It seems that they are calling their enemies "the meat eaters," and I'm not sure that makes sense...
Teresa: Not sure about that. Walden, a vegetarian, has been known to take his carnivorous classmates mightily to task.
Well, the writer seems to think that meat-eaters are not as highly civilized and developed as vegetarians. So Walden may be onto something. If that's the case, I'm in big trouble.
First of all, you really are efficient! So those are the brown-eyed Susans! Good to know.
And secondly your poem is superb. I loved the family of 4 and pug :) and the magical appearance of Cassandra!
Teresa: I'm just sayin'. The boy converted me.
Happy to oblige, DM. I suppose the egret was Cassandra. She wasn't there on the way back. I still can't get over that she was in school at the crosstown rival school: a junior at Murrah when I was a senior at Callaway.
oh murat, if only youda known, you coulda transferred schools, but then a certain black rose would be weeping and lonely. i still think you got the best end of the deal.
nothing like a self-assured eleven year old for effecting conversions...
T: Of course, I got the best end of the deal. It's just kinda cool to have been so close to touching the hem.
now I'm curious - the general? Interesting walks you take.
Dee: Past two Saturday mornings on the trail, I've passed this older man that I know from somewhere. Fit, hiking along in hiking boots not tennis shoes: looks like he ought to be a retired general - and just may be.
Ha - I do that - name people for how they appear to me :)
Wow, really? You could have met at rival sports competitions ;)
DM: We can dream. I'm sure we passed at some point. I wish I could have seen her play early on; apparently she used to play at a local restaurant in Jackson, back in her Joni Mitchell days.
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