poem: these variant times

videotaped hullabaloo
this blue rivals the six
means to heaven
a passionate delegation
of missteps,
conjurer's arts mangle
the magnetic pose
i rival the colors
of seven munchkins
lost in revelry
the mighty Oz
gathered his storms to meet
the Sumatrans
little clicky clock
violating the rules
of engagement
I'll bring you home
the skies weep the timeliness
of these variant times
evening the odds
as past lives carry
the motives,
marry the intentions
of lamb-chewing postulants
savoring the minty
fields, retiring Busbys
accentuating the positives
cost/benefit analyses
inside the lines
outside the city limits
overturning vagrant laws
in the downtown of
uptown heavens
you cast your fates
she angles for less
than a favorable return
downtrodden interest rate
interests her more
a shuffle-boogie charts
west of the naked side
phosphorescent Lizzie on
the loose, ambling
by, calibrating your
fall &
Labels: jelly belly
I just love "phosphorescent Lizzie on the loose".
Happy Easter to you! Enjoy gnawing on your minty lambs!
T: I like it, too. Last night at the Maundy Thursday pre-service feed, Anglicans gnawing on "lamb of god" stew. We vegetarians slathered divine ranch on our romaine of god salads. Garlic bread for dessert.
Well, at least there were no vampires at your house after all the garlicky desserts!!
Teresa: es verdad.
eating lamb and mint in ruby slippers...phosphorescent Lizzie on
the loose outside the city limits, she be clicking her heels together cuz there really is no place like home....
Dee: Episco-lamb eaters, for sure. I like those Lizzie-heels, and ain't that the truth?
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