poem: your wonder begs

shining shimmy in the quatrains
the wetlands rolled back to the times
of plenty, asking forgiveness
granting nothing but tender mercy
Caledonia in the frozen foods
acquaintance asks for little else but
piddly lost fevers
crimes committed in the hearts
stories whispered in the toll booths
of despair, cranking our way home
this was a shadow best left
in the cold, your wonder
begs the question of sovereignty
when the voice cries
to the last tomb
you ask for blessings
crepe myrtle blossoms
migrating down the
Naugahyde chakras, a veiled
reference to the patchy fires
the seeming confessions,
the brown hands of worry
the quicksand devastation
in the cruel stains
you grant not the least
of your enemies. Pink girl
was a prescient one, she
saw the flames converge,
her talents fading
by the sides
of your messianic
glory. Tilt the cross
back homeward, bring down
the dark empires
the fallen angels
castaway intoxicants
minding the beasts
the call into morning's
Labels: voodoo roux
Just where is Caledonia in the frozen foods? I liked the Naugehyde chakras. And morning's last single crimson cry that come from the converging pink flames. I liked the music, too, but it seemed too smooth for the fallen angels stuck in the quicksand.
Good morning, T: I think you're right about the music choice, though I love the song (Devil Mood introduced me to it a few years back). I wrote the poem before watching the mournfully beautiful "Winter's Bone" last night. Probably should have used some Appalachian bluegrass dirge for the poem's soundtrack.
Yes, Appalachian bluegrass would have been just right. It would have had the right amount of sassy twang with a kick of moonshine as a counterpoint.
Those Naugehyde chakras caught my attention, too; and that closing stanza, beginning with "Tilt the cross backward," has all the majestic cadence of the very best baptist preachers -- love it!
Thank you, Anno. Duffy and the Naugahyde chakras bring out the Swaggart in me.
Loved the music and I haven't seen the movie yet but it is on my list. I have a feeling that the main character will not be a stepping stone either?
I loved the ending and some of the lines...brown hands of worry. That one got to me...and toll booths of despair. You - Swaggart? Never lol
Good Sunday morning to you, Dee: Devil Mood definitely knows her music. I think you'll like the movie; I'm finishing up the book this morning and it is one awesome piece of writing. Lush in its decay.
Though I'm not certain he was a baptist, Jonathan Edwards was more the type I had in mind. You as Swaggart? Never!
Anno: Damn! I'm not sure if I should take my apparent non-Swaggartiness as compliment or not. I'll work on the big hair and seedy sweatsuit. Big Jim got busted out on Airline Highway in the Big Easy during my Nawlins days. of course, he inspired a nice bit of fiction lo those many years ago. Wonder where it is.
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