poems: emperor clothes

Is a revolution quite possibly unlike
Any you’ll
Within easy reach?
If you’re doing it
For the first time,
Do it right.
10 fans, or the
Dream of
Scrimp on parts, but
Kick ass
Now with
The brakes on.
[Include your city of residence]
I love the truth:
Things are looking grim.
At some point, someone will wake up.
After all,
Vulnerability isn’t just limited to the clouds.
Every single one of us
Folds as soon as possible.
[White-socked feet]
Horse steps, so its thoughts were of him.
Perched on the arm
The door across the hall was
A fax machine,
A tangle of wires,
& a boot that bobbed impatiently.
To be precise
The sadness
Was so low he couldn’t catch it.
[Ellsberg’s soup]
should be
Persons / Not a girl:
How’d you like to call me a boy?
I could see a barn—solid Quaker farm folk
Was it any wonder
Love is a muddle
Naked & plaintive
On the paper in her hand—
[Dear Prudence]
Thanks, fellow pilgrims: a chance thee loves me
A can of hash, a contented son, devotional books
Kissing Firbank on the refrigerator
Still & cool
First visit, first married,
Farming was the last thing
I had to tell you . . .
Labels: poempourri
Vulnerability isn’t just limited to the clouds.
The sadness
Was so low he couldn’t catch it
my favorite lines. The whole bobble head stanza (and where we put stuff)- I love that you "find" these poems. I think I would like to sit in on this class - play with the creative kids for awhile...
Of course, Dear Prudence, awesome!
Great little poempourri! A wonderful start to my day with Classic Beatles as an anthem to the sun!
Love the fly in the soup and the amazing amounts of poetry just waiting to be discovered when people come out to play.
nevjerojatan, profesor! Sure hope you're going to provide directions for the rest of us who might want to find our way. This looks like too much fun!
T: Glad the day could open on such good notes. I am continually amazed at how quickly even the middle schoolers "get" what is afoot here; their poems run mine right out of the park: I was blown away today by what we threw up on the screen. Wonderful, obscure, wacky, wicked subversion!
Anno: The usual suspects, for sure: found poems, word hoards, collage, but these links were fun to explore, too:
Hoa, my mentor/teacher in Austin, used to have us do this kind of stuff all the time.
Why does this remind me of that thing they do in comic movies--someone sitting on the couch pressing the TV remote channel button at a furious pace--to hilarious effect?
Dee: I like those lines, too. Funny, the thought of "sitting" in: more and more, we all seem to be standing and walking around in class, when we're not sitting at the keyboards.
Yo, Sister San: I likes the analogy. But, "furious pace"? Yo? Never.
Cool links -- this looks like fun! Maybe something even I could do...
Anno: Ain't rocket science, cher. Poem on.
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