poem: cast the rest

coming & going,
the fire sweetens the mix -
razzle time -
calculated mess beholden
to no one,
grace in the midst
of blue &
the fairest sing
their splendor,
the last shall
& resting we be,
honey smiled her
silver, the spine
gathered all her targets
round & round & round
the three of them
egypt bound,
wandering the arroyos,
hearts strewn
there to here,
i sensed a nearing,
a nearness,
dazzle in the ear,
factual nonsense
we all agree is
sweet, after you call,
after you fall the three
stories down,
promising freedom
in the green flight:
shuffle down the street,
jack: call all they mamas,
visualize rescue time,
visualize son on the rise,
cast the rest
to the beautyswine,
we be longing
all the while,
fasting from pure
nada, and in the heron's
exit, the rest
will follow, and rest will
fasten you
to the blessed caves
of Mary,
the honeybee girlfriends
of Zion, the quickdraw
feline pitter in your
pattering heart.
Labels: spiffed to the nines
I like some of your words: beautyswine and "the heron's exit." This has a great flow to it, but I'm not sure whence it comes or whither it goes. I guess it just jives on.
T: Comes of writing to funky grooves like "Sweet." The keyboard turns into a rhythm instrument, head bobbing along, whatever rolls out be just fine.
Reminds me of hanging out around the music practice rooms, eavesdropping on my favorite sax player, good times, all good lines. This part, though, might be my favorite: honey smiled her/ silver, the spine/ tingled,/ gathered all her targets/ round & round & round/ the three of them/ egypt bound,/ wandering the arroyos,/ hearts strewn/ there to here. Put a little feline pitter in my own pattering heart...
Anno: Glad the pitters went pattering. Thankful you're out there in the ethers. Sing on, girl.
have definitely been feeling out in the ethers lately... good to hear the music calling me home.
Like Teresa, I was taken by "beautyswine." You could cast yo pearls before such.
Anno: World needs you, girl.
San: I wuz feeling the lure of the snout . . .
love all the little faith bites strewn in and among and around, the grace, the three, the son, Mary and Zion. Music, and people, and faith singing and shuffling down, no throwing the pearls before any ole swine - they be beautyswine.
Got that right, Dee. Only the best little piggies.
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