day in the life

P eating a hamburger
10:09 am
it's my burger, sez E
what are you doing to that burger, P?
I'm trying to concentrate here
I can't concentrate without ketchup
my burger,
she sez,
is delightful.
You mean,
my burger is delighfuller,
sez E.
post burger, P is quiet as a mouse, a mousy P.
Labels: faster food
a mousy P?? I hardly think so.
What a delightful little burger, who got the lion's share? E or P?
Teresa: Not this P, for sure, but I ain't the poem's P. Initials to protect the innocent: Ms P, famished, walks into class this morning with a burger at the aforementioned AM; eats beside boyfriend E: I playfully make up a poem right on the spot. We wuz havin fun.
aaah. That explains the mousy P and overbearing E. And they called it puppy love, but theirs seems to be burger love...
Hard to eat when you're talking as much as E. ... P. must have been the delight-fuller! Sounds like good times in that office of yours.
have to ask "do you want fries with that?"
I can't concentrate without ketchup either...cracked me up!
Teresa: Round II of burger love again this morning. Where is she getting these things?
Anno: We're in the waning days. Busy little study-hive, bzzz, bzzz. A good vibe. Seniors started their exams today in all the black storms.
Dee: Surely, we gotta draw the line at fries!
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