one word revolution: lashes

evering the detours
calming the fees
casting allure
down lengthy greens.
simple calculations,
this heart greener
than that
all the carp
you can eat
in the cesspools
of granted wheat.
walk miles
swim rivers
cloud mind
with all that
withers, i am seed
building seed
trampling seed
& i wander
the castled ways
seeding fire
in coffee eyes
in coffee ways
tearing down
the fear
in all the fearsome
Labels: do you remember when
marigold indeed, pure gold, walking and swimming and building and trampling and those absolutely gorgeous coffee eyes. Senior pep rally yesterday and this little one puts me in mind of the big ones and their skits and cheers and songs saying goodbye and hello. Teared up a bit. I will miss some of this crop with their wanna be coolness and now just a little bit of terror at the grown up expectations running under all the end of school excitement. So much potential in those seeds, for good and evil in their lives. This one hit me right between the heart.
So the word lashes made you think of Tiger Woods? He does have long beautiful lashes.
I liked this poem. It seems to go from golf to chess to your coffeeshop poetry, but it never gets into cats-o-nine-tails, canings, torture.
Dee: The goodbyes are comin' on, ain't they? Our seniors start their exams next Friday, graduate two weeks from today. They've asked me to do this year's Baccalaureate address; I'll post it after it's delivered. Glad this struck a chord.
Teresa: Intuitive gel, you is. Among other things, this was a collage of the morning's wanderings.
wonderful momentum and power to this piece and the ending is perfect.
Tammie: It grew on me as I wrote it, tumbling and rumbling.
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