And one . . .
Another Zilker musicmaker, complements of Anonymous. My Austin days ended with 8 1/2 Souvenirs. Always happy to find more to browse. Would have been very happy to have walked by the sounds of this . . .
Labels: certainly not the last
lover of the black rose; unfettered and alive; chief archivist of the western slopes; another of Yemaya's babes in the world; Joachim's distant star; boring stories of - glory daze
Labels: certainly not the last
I liked this one. It helped the translations flow.
Teresa: Tangled weave gets weavier. Turns out that Glover Gill of Glovertango (and formerly 8 and 1/2 Souvenirs) is the nephew of Nora, a woman at our church. Though I did not know this when we joined the church, it also turns out that Nora was a good friend of my father's brother here at Alamo Heights High School. As was another parishioner.
Wow, you southerners certainly are a close-knit bunch :) Or is it just Texans?
Teresa: I'm sure it can be said for Texans in general, but it can sure as hell be said for what are called the Oh-Niners (zip code 78209) of Alamo Heights. Those outside, and many inside, just call it the bubble.
Tango is like good tea, good at any time of day and night. Decaf :)
DM: Amém.
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