one word snuggies: delicate

that cycle round
the block
perambulating fever
feverish bookends
to the day's
crash & burn
ambiguous felines
down the alleys
casual chat
& bloom
we do the this &
then we do the
aspiring as a baby
boy does his
anvil chase
we'll find the newborns
in the latter
the moist anagrams
of postulant fervor
while invention
o, invention,
o, mighty invention
brings us
Labels: pounds of 'em
Pounds of Snuggies, enough to fill the garbage dumps to overflowing...
I love the newborn babies' "moist anagrams of postulant fervor." And how do the many pounds of "fervor" bring us to snug harbor? I'm not so sure.
So who is in the perambulator now that Mr. Baby is big and grown and writing poetry of his own?
Teresa: Mr. B may be writing poetry on his own, but that doesn't mean I've (er, he's) graduated from the pram, now does it?
Mighty invention always brings us to snug harbor, no?
If you're the one who hasn't graduated from the pram, I believe the word is not "Snuggies" but "Depends".
Teresa: Tosh. Still being in the pram doesn't preclude my being, for the most part, house-trained.
Snug as a baby in a pint sized snuggie - safe harbor indeed. Sounds good after the day's crash and burn.
Snug Harbor--it had to wind up here, didn't it? Lovely.
Yes, Dee, it had to. Though I always liked the Port of Call in New Orleans (the sister place to Snug; awesome jukebox in its older days) better.
Though the other snug harbor is always best.
Oops. Sorry for the misattributions, Dee and San. I'll take you both to the Port, drop some coins in the box - Santana, Van, lord knows who else. One hurricane should serve us all.
Haha I'm in LOL
oh the bags i bring...snuggies, delicate postulant...ah sigh, to stay in the place of snuggled comfort, to be no delicate postulant, but alas, the journey is long to that safe harbor.
jsd: Stay dry in that coracle, as best you can...
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