return of the coffee poems

[crimson neverlands] (an acrostic)
Never one to
Opt out of
Ogre's stares &
Alizarin crimson
Dare to dream out
Crusted staleness
Raining the old for the new
An invitation
Not yet circulated - where
Night's savvy
Intuition darkens
Every pore into
[chemical zest]
cryptic easy
the pairs will pare
souls like green apples -
drops of lemon
so you won't change color
in the fais do do
of chemical brewing
let it drape over
your tongue
a zest worth
& dying
for, cousin to your
favorite beasts,
lucid dreamers all,
we bid adieu -
[practical magic]
post-consumer fiber sleeve
whatcha got up yours?
candelabras and circus tigers
and room to rumba...
do you wanna be startin' sumthin'?
choose your paradise
sister emily stalking hardy or
just paschal and tina -
we come from
olive country &
farm-grown and poetry fed...
we proudly brew
alpha males
engineering & technology
tome-r services in the nooks
& crannies, alpha she be,
says not a word,
taking in the fullness -
watching it fill up,
spill over -
& cover her toes.
[the mural's in pursuit]
(this one by paschal)
emily, why the green-eyed
stare, thomas what's your hurry,
g.b. the twain of you shall not meet,
zora's chocolate pursuit
of langston's flurry, tagore you're it,
pablo's still wondering why & where,
franz his smoky dracula, isaac b. knows
a golem when he sees one, tommy s. e.
with his leather slam book, banker boy,
steinbeck's canneries hungry for billy's
boozy bear, while it's all a whispering
gossipy conversation in
the lemony lair
of parker's ear.
[just arrived]
(this one by tina)
treat yourself
a pick me up
the invisible man
a beloved take-home blend
proudly Guatemalan
gift of every accessory
sealed with a kiss.
[the personal flower]
neck stiff, yet
heat of sun
strokes, calls out
the tightness
tomato soupy, destiny's flower
open belly buttons
hungry for more
the personal story
what every gesundheit should know
say it with a song, ernest:
long and slow, puzzle devotionals
let the sun shine in
after your favorite dish.
[groovy times, loony tunes]
(by paschal)
stationary every day
black belt puzzler
chromeo and juliet
naughty and nicely elbowed
off the playing field
Virg and his Italian buddy boy
in the slime
mitigating the butter climes
accentuating the downward bulges
online ashcans gathering
nomenclature of the paltry
greeting card poverty
tinseltown canneries in tune
karaoke at its best
lip-synching chopra
caterwauling narwhals
postulants need not apply
the billboards bill their glory
festooning the bohemian souls
with the requisite anti-sensical gravy.
Labels: pome with tea, pomes for tea
These pomes by Chromeo and Juliet talk to each other. Their beans are ground finely, nestled in post-consumer fiber, then brewed slowly, with fresh spring water. They are informed by Emily and Isaac B. and Langston and Tagore.
No "hurry up please it's time"--we will brew no poetry before it's time.
San: You said it, Puxhatawney San! How doth your shadow? Whatever it is, I'm sure it's always six more weeks of bliss. Good to see you (and your shadow).
Oh these are lovely loverly chai latte good. Love the Patina, the shine, the polish and if you google kazzlefram there is only one referral - here. I'd like some mashed taters with that anti-sensical gravy if you please!
Sister Dee, you can have anything you want from the coffee bar, girl - put it all on the patina tab. Love the kazzlefram googling: how cool is that? Made up the word on the spot.
I loved these poems and the other posts from this week. I have been polishing "the beast" (ie my lit crit paper that is now long enough and buff enough to submit to a scholarly journal), so I have quietly drunk in your excellent poems and enjoyed Tina's, too, but I have been too "buff" in the brain for tesseracting.
:) neat
Completely understood, Teresa. Glad these were here as a coffee break for you. Congrats on all the "gym" work.
We'll have a virtual party if it gets accepted for publication. The profs say it's publishable, but it all depends on the editors. Now I have to change citations from MLA to Chicago style format for the journal of choice, cut 50 words from the abstract, prepare my cover e-mail and send it off. I hope to have it sent by tomorrow night.
I was so wishing I had time to just sit in a coffee shop somewhere writing poetry or stories or whatever.
Teresa: I hear you, girl. That's what friends are for: we do the slacking for you.
Looking forward to the party.
patina pow-wowems -- these glow!
perfectly brewed.
lovely tea-versations.
for now (thank goodness!)
Patina napkin poems, what a great hobby you've got!
Anno: Glad these passed for your wonderfully discerning palate.
DM: Had quite a stack of napkins, though not the old brown Starbucks napkins: just plain white (till we stained them with poems).
What a great thing to stain napkins with! Mine are usually stained with spilled tea. And thanks for doing all my slacking :)
Night's savvy intuition darkens every pore into silence. Ooo-eeee, baby. Candelabra, circus tigers, room to rumba - all up your sleeve, now yer cookin' Alazarin Donovan and all those dead authors - gunpowder. Chromeo and Juliet workin' their hydraulics on Speedway and other avenues. Amen to you both and to the java jive.
Teresa: You're welcome, amiga. De nada.
Richard: Amazing what a little caffeine will do, eh?
Oh yeah, I know the power of that poison (sipping a cup right now.) I'm wrapping up Los Dos today and getting them off to a contest without trying to imagine their reaction to the indignity of competing. Or, I don't know, maybe they'll enjoy being the barbarous yawpers of WA state poetry...
again, that "night's savvy intuition..." line - geez. Louise, and the stuff up your collective sleeves; both put me in the mind of Reinaldo Arenas.
Richard: I'm excited about those Dos getting out in the world, to wreak some sacred havoc. They are some very fine whoppers.
Glad that line got you. Good to have your ears around.
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