Sunday Scribblings #199: Yes

hibbly bibbly
in their moats,
toasting the aftermen,
physical specimens
of glandular gloat:
the geriatric tenderfish,
misaligning the pigeon toes
of fossil fame, casting
new light on the limes
in the barrows:
fruit, the dipsy doodle
parade, gallivanting
in tinseltown,
tinsel instigations,
while we wile
the rest of the connotations
down the drain.
Meet me at the bus bench
if you doubt
the diagnosis,
a blistering critique
of the whetherwear
in the last row.
She flashed her
jellies &
the race was on
to see which
way the dilly
Rusticants all,
cherry time,
passive improper
fractions baiting
the Astrodome of flesh,
the Superdome of boggle.
Labels: opposing teams
and wardrobe malfunctions? I like this one. It is quite fun, and it tesseracts all over the place: movie stars, nude beaches, performances, sports games, high school, bars, and all the other places that people strut their stuff. You may start a cat fight, bro.
Teresa: Twas fun to see where you took this one, unearthing the consciousness of the unconscious poet. Flim-flammery abounds for sure, in all the places you note, and, I 'm sure, many more. Some fine tesseracting there, Sister T.
Huge fun! I'm going to read this one to Los Dos - I think they'll like it.
Richard: I'm sure the poet and Los Dos were separated at birth.
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