My apologies... Lee, Devil Mood, and David, and any others who may have commented on the previous post. Goblins (Joni or Neil?) broke in and somehow vaporized all the comments, as well as the Larry Rivers painting. I could reinstate the painting, but not, sadly, the comments.
Labels: astral, deprivation, vapor
Don't worry Paschal. I can't remember what I said at all, so I'm sure it wasn't very important.
DM: Don't worry? Not important? You revealed the secret to the Universe! No wonder the goblins broke in!
Don't fret Paschal. Words may be lost but not the heart in them.
Congratulations, Paschal! Your "I said I'm falling..." post made David's post of the day list!
Thanks, Lee. I'll have to go over and check it out.
Interesting! Paschal the gremlins seem to be putting some of those comments back. :)
This haunted place of pieces parts, of attempted reconstruction of destruction, it feels like home. I can comfortably slide in, perhaps completely unnoticed by the others, to say a quick hello to you, tell you I miss your staccato pizzazz, and wonder why you don’t just create a “Broke” of your own…and to say that I’m working my way toward e-mail. One of these days, Alice…
Well, Ms Alister: always welcome you are, even if it's a drive by commenting. I first read "staccato pizza," which sounds pretty tasty. There are "Brokes" all over my oeuvre, but ya know, ya gotta give props where props is due. What better prop than out and out larceny?
We miss you, Ms A: don't stay gone too long. You got some staccato oolong of your own, you know.
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