
Please welcome these two wonderful sites to this global hamlet: Love is stronger than pride and Astro Skies, an astrological service. Both sites are written by Ms Devil Mood, though she does not go by that nom de plume at Astro Skies. Lovely sites, passionately written. For those of you who like to travel, you will be traveling to Portugal every time you visit her. Ms DM was first introduced to this native by the inimitable Ms Alister's Essence. Omit Ms (she goes by Miss, must be a postmodernist inside joke, or she spent too much time in Texas around overly polite urchins)...anyway, as I was saying, omit Ms/Miss Alister from your life at your own risk. You've been warned. And encouraged.
Labels: blake, greene, not newton
Oh I'm completely beyond flattered by your attention today. Thank you so much for linking me and with all this wonderful dramatism.
I'm still not sure whether I should call you Murat or Paschal :)
DM: You are most welcome. Paschal is just fine: it's my first name. Murat is my oft ignored middle name.
Thank you for the recommendations, Paschal. How could these not be great with an author named Devil Mood?
How indeed, San. I think you'll find her astrological meditations fun and fascinating.
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