poem: unleashing the wonder

All the honeybutter
mingled with glimpses
yearning the midnights
& applemornings
May – may? – nay, will
accumulate in the simplest of
twinning twining souls
thee to she & he
earth babies, answering calls—
worldwide blossoming
Tapping the wunderkinder in your
raring to go: she
asked out of deepest asking
imminent blessings
permutations of a calculus
saturated with
incandescent wonder:
never the solitary wayfaring ways
gather your blooms to bosoms
Entwined: sample your treasures
under a lambent sky
reeling with the splendor
of epistolary, of
prescient, of
evergreening, evermarveling, everseeing, itchycoo-gleaming—thunder
Labels: traipsing verily
The picture at the top is quite arresting. You tell quite the little love story there!
this is a lovely, loving little piece of joy :)
A blessing to send the pair spinning onto the dance floor and far into the happily ever after: just wonderful!
Teresa: Wedding day at the iglesia yesterday: associate rector and bride: sweet wedding, as well as fun and sassy.
Thank you, Dee: In this case, the acrostic set down a nice little matrix to play off of.
Anno: Fun and sweet and sweetly green dresses and tennis shoes (!), but no dancing. Probably a good thing, after all the shaking and baking this old house did at Friday's night's prom.
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