one word: styrofoam2: wound time

organic chemistry misses
the point, if pointing
is your bliss, point west
she misses the point all
the time: grasp the tear,
animate the wound
time gathers you to
her womb.
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lover of the black rose; unfettered and alive; chief archivist of the western slopes; another of Yemaya's babes in the world; Joachim's distant star; boring stories of - glory daze
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I would not call dim sum styrofoam, although the molecular formula does look like so many little dim sum blobs all stuck together. How many people have wounds in the womb???
hmmm I may need to revisit oneword :)
not sure I like the sound of an animated wound but those last lines are beautiful...
T: Dim sum is "defiantly" not styrofoam; remember, this is all collage, the polite way of saying "tangential as hell." Though I dispensed with the punctuation, "wound" should likely be followed by a colon or a dash: time's womb is the healer.
Dee: I'm planning to unleash oneword on my soon to be graduating seniors: I figure that's about all I can get out of them by now. (I may be overestimating them.) Getting back in the groove meself.
I know exactly what you mean. Stick a fork in them prof - they are DONE..
We have TAKS the next few days. I would rather stick a fork in ME lol
Dee: Charred, most likely. I kind of like the self-inflicted fork, too . . .
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