Sunday Scribbling #169 (The Goose Drank Wine): Toys

Laini & Megg say they want
something a little lighter
for a change,
proffering toys. I
don't know where they
their toys, but I
takes mine quite cereal,
busta move you betcha
you've not Toy Joy'd
then you've
never been to
Austin, never Amy'd
your ice cream -
Mexican vanilla, strawberries & chocolate
chunks, but only on a friiiiigggggiiiiiid
night in the holiness
of 37th street,
never fish taco'd at Z
Tejas, never las manitas'd
the michoachans into
your last lively stream, never
shady grove'd *
in the trailer park of
your (and the zero fraulein's)
It was toys we were after, no?
Librarian action figures,
Marie Antoinette finger puppets,
Fire-breathing Nunzillas,
goo and poo and oo and you &
me and baby makes three.
Three months later,
in the pitch black hallway,
Guadalupe wuz
a'glowin in
the dark.
[* revision from oak'd to grove'd courtesy of miss alister's horror of trailer parks]
Labels: goo
Love the "librarian action figures" and the Marie Antoinette finger puppets". And don't forget that "pitch black hallway" with "Guadalupe .. a'glowin in the dark!" You have some righteous toys, bro.
Teresa: Righteous indeed. Toy Joy is P-Funk meets Toys R You, and don't get me started on the gift-wrapping. A more joyful cadre of post-capitalists you will never find.
I bought Mary for her look: it truly was about three months into Tina's pregnancy that I discovered she was glow in the dark.
Darn, somehow the opportunity to las manitas any michoachans into any lively stream has never come my way. It sure sounds like fun, though, even if I'm not quite certain just what it means, as does shady-oaking in the trailer park of your dreams. Sounds like good times, great toys down there in Tres Leches.
A righteous toy store. Marvelous! And a light in the darkness in more ways than one. You really know how to pick them, Murat.
Anno: Sadly, none of us will be vamosing a michoachanar for the time being: downtown urbanity done killed those puppies, though urban legend has them reviving somewhere, where the soulful parts of Austin still reside. Shady Oaks, Z Tejas, 37th Street, Amy's, and the Joy are still, mercifully, alive and well.
Teresa: Mary/Yemaya: they knew how to pick me.
Once a year I get my inner "geek" on and attend the TCEA conference in Austin. Amys, Mozarts for coffee and cheesecake, Flip Happy's crepes, and Trudys for a stuffed avocado and a Mango Marguerita. A trip to Book People and a visit with old friends and I'm in heaven. 6th street isn't the same without the Ivory Cat. Days spent listening to presentations and wandering through vendor booths looking at what new toys are available. Now I'm hungry - shame on you LOL
Loved the poem but you got me sidetracked!
Dee: Ah, Mozart's. Great place to be on a grey wintry day. When Tina was pregnant with Walden, we lived on Bridal Path, an easy six block walk to the river and Mozart's. Trudy's goes all the way back to grad school daze in '78: shrimp enchiladas. Early days of the original Threadgill's, glorious Italian at long gone Speranza's. Now, we're both hungry. Take that geek to Toy Joy, next time you're down. 29th and Guadalupe.
I think I should visit Austin soon!
That librarian is Seattle's own, Ms. Perl. and that glowing Guadalupe is the holy grail of my desire - been looking for the gal in neon for quite some time. upcoming trip to Santa Fe, she's on my must find list. and i've never been to FAO Schwartz but the ladies are insane there.
Granny Smith: You get to Austin, I will meet you there.
Brother Richard: I believe Lupita will find you: you be sure to be in neon, too!
Dig the shout out to Brother Hoyt with the Schwartzgirls.
Saints and sinners all agree
Spanish is a loving tongue
But she never spoke Spanish to me
-Joe Ely
Indeed, the Marie Antoinette finger puppets made my day. hahaha
DM: With heads still on, of course.
Speechless with pen envy.
Your play with words as well as your artful intellect has me chuckling.
Tumblewords: We'll shorten it to penvy, shall we?
I'm happy for the chuckling, Miz Lee.
Tumblewords: You've got no cause for penvy, you know that, right?
Then I’ve never Amy’d my ice cream! I passed through Austin only once during my eighteen years in your (and my ex-) grand and lovely state, and if I’d known you then I maybe would’ve been Toy Joy’d...actually, I probably wouldn’t have, given the fish and the trailer park. Oh, wait, oh, wait! I like Dee’s review much better. I’d have gone.
Duchess: I suspect you've amy'd and tejas'd and manitas'd (I know you've done this one: I was virtually there with you) in your own inimitable way. The Austin we're talking about anyway runs down the cerebral guitar frets of East Austin's Victory Grill (blues be the menu) and the old Antone's. However, I must say that you omit the trailer park at your peril...
Oh, really?! Do tell me more about the trailer park, then! In your inimitable way, of course : )
Okay, Ms A, I'm not livin' there, either - though I have given some thought to parking it there much later in my later dotage. Shady Oaks is the site of one very hip, very happy, very lackadaisical indoor/outdoor restaurant, under the welcome shade of a cathedral grove of towering pecan trees. (And in the writing of that sentence there, I finally realize that it's not Shady Oaks, it's Shady Grove. Revision rule #1: give yourself some time between the writing and the revision. And have a friend keep badgering you about trailer parks.) Music outside plenty of evenings. Charlie Sexton (the eased back, post-fall CS) held court there, as did plenty of others. One of those places - thin places, the Celtic spiritualists would say - where the soul of Austin still lives before it started trying to be Silicon Valley Redux. Not far from the river, just down the street from my beautiful soul of Austin house in the Zilker 'hood. Hanging out at Shady Grove was like an extended picnic in chairs, with someone else doing the serving. Surrounding this mecca, was a lazy-sprawling trailer park where plenty of artists, musicians, and other old-Austin-minded people lived. Its proximity to the river, to Barton Springs pool, to the river's wonderful hike and bike trail, to downtown, and to many good things de Austin, made it a cozy alternative to the Silicon hubbub. And, of course, you could walk right on into SG and chow down on food, drink, and music.
trailer park is no more
Anon: So sad; Soul of Austin loses one more.
Paschal, here are a few places you would find paradise:
In Santa Fe:
Doodlets (Elvis shrines galore, PMS mints, Freud action toys), Spiritwerks (at least the way they were when they were in the front of the Silver Saddle Hotel--home of the boxing nuns).
In San Francisco:
Toy Boat Dessert Cafe (Double Rainbow ice cream, pastries from Just Desserts, mechanical toys)
In New Buffalo, Michigan: Try the yellow-cake- mix ice cream. Ten times better than it sounds, and let's face it, the name sings.
Depressing news: Someone told me that Cracker Jack no longer comes in a box but in a pouch and the free toys have been dumbed down beyond recognition.
San: Always good to have new Meccas on the horizon, especially ice cream havens. I'm there.
I can't vouch for the toys, but I could have sworn I saw Tina's hand inside a Cracker Jack box just last week.
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