poem: turquoise of the last

mimsies your soul
with writhing tributaries
the acquisescent iridescence
of last calls
the vigilant renegades
coursing the soul's
guava jones, as if
she mystifies on the order
of dark meat and righteous
lemon lime: I ask you:
was there ever such
sublime guidance 'cross
the rockies, frolicking
wildebeests tumbling
the SATs of vigourous
stimuli, angel food lab
partners left behind
the parking lots
the Heidelbergs,
eleventh floor
vagaries,I seem to recall
you were the first
simply shaded by reputation
your kiss was free fall
down the wiliest of ways
amassed as time passed
turtle bays most
surprising calm
in the after
inured by time's
dither, ask beyond the fall
of men, the rise of
doors blessed
by singleminded
caution, and the vespers
whisper, calling
eyes forgotten
limbs bewitched
in the turquoise
of the last
Labels: v
How come so many of your poems are inspired by food these days? Vicarious enjoyment of forbidden pleasures?
Teresa: Vicarious and forbidden, and the fact of the hole in the wall Big Bib's just up the street. Slumming for me is watching Man v Food, wherein my vegetarian soul is regaled with all manner of carnivorous rapture.
And there is no rapture quite so complete as a carnivore with a rack of ribs drenched in bbq sauce and dripping with orangey grease. yes, you must have some great vicarious thrills without any of the cholesterol jumping to your veins. great idea.
the presentation in Singapore went well. I am back with the scribe at the blogger buddy black cat b&b in Hong Kong. Tonight we take in an er-hu concert. Tomorrow my professor and I go rushing around on a rash of interviews gathering more ideas for further papers. Thursday we fly home just in time for a week's vacation and then spring semester starts. It has been a glorious trip.
Teresa: I am so happy for you. What a wonderful way to start the new year (or end the old one, on Chinese time). My best to you, Chris, Regina, and the ruling feline. vaya con dios.
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