poem: you do answer

down to Big Bib's Bar-B-Q
fusticate your druthers
in the drip dry honey
trees, fishy sauce
that ego on up the traces
a simple quandary bears
fruity fruit only when
the casual gambler
arrays self to gnome &
gnome to the past tense
the oliebollen of revelry
will paste your gluten
free pasta jones
to the cheechy maritimes.
henry morgan down the royal
way, his bib no bigger
than Big Bibby's &
Mr Tim's broadcast
liver & onions on
the presa way, it's cruelty
in a cruel-free zone
the armpits of renewal
congeal around
the obsessions of
whatever you do
answer all your doors in
all your bibs
the big show is callin'
she be the ever
you never
had the predilections for
grooving, anthem girl
in the back seat,
a sublime misgiving
the very giving
in the drawing rooms
the plastic forties
seraphim of equal splendor
your hindenberg's in the closet
foaming up the left-over
yous, feeling the rest
of the puzzle,
nuzzling the monty doors
& all they goats.
Labels: marytimes
love the line "cruelty in a cruel-free zone" - I think we should have signs to post around school...much more effective than drug free I would think.
I think I would like to put my bib on and taste some oliebolen with the gnomes and the quandary bears too but not in THOSE cheechy maritimes. Where is that picture? Cali?
Love all the bibs too. Must be some messy eaters...
Trying to catch up on reading :)
Dee: There's a new BBQ place just up the road from us: Big Bib's. It was yanking on me for a poem every time I drove by. The picture is actually of a flooded bus lot in New Orleans, after Katrina.
Love the big bibs, and the arm pits of renewal congealing around crusted and dried gruel. And mammoth bib overalls in the closets bloating up with congealed grease from too many ribs and floating up like a Hindenburg until Bill Grogan's goat eats them off the line...
A big hello from Hong Kong!
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