poem: pious bennie to the rescue, part ii

from his condom makeover,
teetotaling megawatts
to the minions, wants
his noncoital bubbas
to save their precoital
ewelings and lamblings
from the nightmare of
"invalid marriages":
industrial strength walkers,
I guess, for them
dawdling bedriddens,
wheelchair causality smiting
the oftly doomed. "Marriage is not
an absolute right," my sweet little bubbas, &
lest we moon ourselves into
bedlam oblivion,
let us remember that
"the right to a church wedding
requires that the bride
and groom intend
to celebrate." Foolish me,
in all my funereal nuptials,
Hamlet-black in dour
regalia, I thought it was all
for the little warm death.
Balloons? Popcorn balls?
Limbo'd kazoo contests?
Celebration enough for you
& your compassionate
boys in the street?
Labels: sumpin sumpin
Oooh!! What a zinger! I totally agree, bro.
Red or lemon zinger?
The puckery sweet-n-sour lemon kind to match ol' Bennie's sour looks.
except it really isn't so funny is it...
It is amazing that an organization whose supposed reason for existence since when? Constantine?...seems about as far from drawing a person to Christ as well, Yoda. Actually,scratch that. I think Yoda was more Christian in his actions.
Dee: 10-4 on your Yoda musings. Papal Bennie weighing in on 90% of the stuff he weighs in on is like my weighing in on the Bose–Einstein condensate. Clueless. Yoda, on the other hand, could take out the BEC with his light saber on Sleep.
Sharp bite here, on a subject well worth a nip or two. Small wonder the verb, to pontificate, carries such negative baggage. Well done, venn..
Anno: Papal Bennie has probably come into more than his fair share of Scorpion stinger this past year. If he were just any old Jimmy Swaggart, I might leave him alone, but he sits in a bigger seat and goes on and on. This latest papal hemorrhage wasn't near as bad as his condom nonsense: it's just that when my eye caught "invalid marriages," I was thinking bedridden, rather than not valid.
If I were a journalist, I think I would want the Vatican as my beat; what great fun listening to all the papal bull, and having to file posts with a straight face.
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