sonnet: as aquifer

arpeggios wither,
whether coarsed or blessed,
vision follows the paths
we least resist. gather
yourselves, seek the solace
of leaves, the changing
of blue in green -
the circle green,
the figures blue:
sadness abates, as
aquifer fills
the bluing you,
the scenting green.
Labels: nothing like the sun
love this line: vision follows the paths we least resist. Home from graduation and ready for that solace of leaves and throwing the alarm clock in the trash. I'm going to sink into bluing and greening!
What a beautiful poem! I love the lines "arpeggios wither" and "vision follows the paths we least resist" and "the changing of blue in green." I also love the image of green-scented blue aquifers filling up under the sun, but your picture looks like a picture of a Gulf Coast beach in Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or Florida.
Dee: I wasn't sure about that line as it was forming up, presenting itself, but I decided to go with the poet and not with my head. Welcome to your summer, girl!
Teresa: I'm glad you like the poem: I liked it, too, though I was struck by its simplicity. I found a really cool blue and green underground aquifer image, but decided to go with this, a photo of the surface of Mars. Those "gullies" are presumed evidence of aquifers on the 紅色星球.
Your Chinese has improved immensely of late, Murat. Have you been going to Saturday Chinese school?
Teresa: Just everyday Google Translate School. I will pass the compliment along to them.
I think is really nicely done poem!
Thank you, Marinela.
...solace of leaves put me in mind of
Lullaby of the Leaves
Billy Eckstein here.
Richard: Nice groove on that lullaby.
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