Sunday Scribblings #207: Demands

scum down them walls, sugar
aspidistras be, naturally,
de rigueur,
jimmy jams in blue
Black Madonna holy oil
'side the chips and dip,
and get the fiscal dutitudes
outta here
we going dutch all
dee way, deejay
play that Basie nonsense
all night long
pastoral needs
be our bidness, we
carries our own Tarot
three years in a row,
though Loteria be nice,
aphrodisiac guacamole
holey moley
atsa fact
Rimbaud in the glove compartments
Fidel the Doberman can do all
the sniffing
don't know 'bout chu
but the lofty casuals lost
they flair
aftertimes the Armanis
went on the attack
me and my Goodwill
hirsute weren't playin
no mo,
I was regal
only at midnight which
'splains the need for Tootsie
when she be comin round
I was her netherchild
her tassel baby
particular in the rondo
but the refrains
ain't do me no good
so hustle down the bar-b-q
wherever you finds it
to your liking
bristle-tongue ain't
a feast of all saints
for any of us
quiet the mood
after the show
silly movies be the be all
Carol Burnett, Gilligan, &
we can all vote for Miss Mary.
Labels: far west
Miss Mary gets my vote.
So do I!
as a dirge it sucks!
Stan and GT: You old traditionalists! What did Ginger ever do to the two of you?
Ginger's just too demanding.
Good afternoon, Carina: Seems the Mary contingent is storming the Bastille...
I'm loving fiscal dutitudes and Goodwill hirsutes - ha. "Priceless"
hehe! Loved this, and its delightful wordplay. Mary gets my vote, too. :)
Dee: We wanted to keep the whole poem on an austerity budget: I think we managed to come in on time and under projected costs.
Thomma Lyn: Thanks for the good words. I'm afraid Ginger's gonna get all itchy and litigious, what with all the Mary-love.
but after some of your aphrodisiac guacamole, I say it has to be Ginger all the way. Besides the Professor and Mary Ann are already an item, and we can't ever forget Thurston Howell III and "Lovey". Thanks for the trip down memory lane...
Teresa: Hope it wasn't a sympathy vote. She had mine, too, but I didn't want to prejudice the votes - fat chance of that, apparently.
Of course, it wasn't a sympathy vote. I always liked Tina Louise in that slinky, sparkly evening gown. She seemed so elegant and alluring. (I suspect the other people didn't try the aphrodisiac guacamole, or they prefer the "girl next door" type.)
Teresa: Gotta point, methinks, about the guacamole. In me youth, I was a Mary Ann disciple; likewise Betty over Veronica. But, in the words of your cousin Bobby Z:
People are crazy and times are strange
I’m locked in tight, I’m out of range
I used to care, but things have changed...
This is one of the most fun poems I read :)
DM: I am very glad of that! Was fun to write, too . . .
Good to hear from you, amiga.
Love me some Dylan and love this poem but Muravia must be very busy this week :)
Dee: Thanks for checking in. Lately, the Blogger-ware has gotten a little weird about posting comments: sometimes they don't post right away (like now). Yours will show up, by and by, I'm sure.
Lots of busy-ness and catching up around here, after a whirlwind trip up to Dallas last Thursday / Friday for a Nancie Atwell workshop. Very glad to have gone, but still reeling a bit from all the traveling Starbucks I poured into myself, after a good month of going without that drug...
Very delightful read :) :)
Thank you, Marinela.
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