one word spider: veins

LaGrange on the bayou -
who can say
which way the fertile
eggs thrive? count
the dozens
paling blue in the mist
morning calls
in the fog
the shrouded meadows
winter to spring
vain weather vainly
assembling her
minions, urchin-like
cavalcade of the rising
minds' intolerances,
at the threshold
complicating the vassals'
obeisance: stop
on a dime, you stop
furnishing the inner
walls, captured
by memory,
by clashing wisdoms,
by inarticulate
Labels: parchment
Paschal, this is a lovely tribute to the changing of the seasons. Your words shrouded me in their spirit.
Tammie: Thank you for making sense out of this...
Always good to hear from you.
Loved those veinlike threads of misty thought wandering around the bayous sprouting leaves of joy and frolicking in the growing consciousness that warmer weather is coming!! Maybe a spider is spinning her web somewhere and laying eggs that will hatch in the fullness of time. Great poem. It made me happy.
Teresa: How wonderful. What poet could ask for more?
Well, I believe some poets were into sharing sorrow or hoped to instill martial fervor in their readers. They probably would not be too pleased if their poetry just made people happy, but I think of you as a joyful poet, so I expect you like making people happy. A joyful poet and a brooding writer of prose... nice dichotomy going there, bro.
morning calls
in the fog
the shrouded meadows
winter to spring
yesterday I would have been thinking on walking there and there. Now it is snowing for heaven's sake! Talk about your inarticulate fate...
Teresa: I hear you about the "martial" artists. Bit of a poetry/prose yin yang going on here, I suppose.
Dee: Snow? Torrential rain last night and this morning. Didn't walk out the door until about 2 this afternoon: had no idea it was freezing out there. Mercy. What's up with that?
we would all like the answer to that haha - first day of spring and people are slipping and sliding on the bridges. Gardens begun during spring break are needing covering and I'll be hanging out inside those inner walls drinking cocoa!
Dee: Inner walls and cocoa sounds divine: just what we did this evening, watching an old Frank Capra movie, listening to my son root unabashedly for the redheaded beauty to win Frank Sinatra's goofball character over.
Spent my time analyzing (while watching) Children of a Lesser God for plot checkpoints. It is still snowing here. The last I heard we were at about five inches. It is melting on the roads thank goodness.
Still snowing: how awesome is that? Need to ship a young boy who's never seen snow "in the flesh" your way...
Snow day tomorrow to extend Spring Break?
ah it stopped and the roads are clear so spring break shall come to it's appointed end. We ended up with about 6 inches. You should have taken a road trip - Walden would have had an adventure :) Number one son said they didn't get near as much in Tyler but there were flurries there as well.
Dee: 70s here today. Spring is sprunging again.
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