Sunday Scribbling #176: Fantasy Dinner Party

giddy giddy savoir faire
nickel in the juice
we dine for fashion
and fashionable taste:
lucky dogs a la Ignatius -
Dickens loose in the Quarter -
amiable misfits galore
five and dime-ing
the afterhours.
seven, besides moi:
Pynchon in sailor garb
(it's a costume party, natch)
to sign the first editions as
Tyrone or Pig;
Foghorn Leghorn,
not as meal, but
to match TP's
erudition, southern
style; Van to tickle
the ivories and drain
the swill; Padgett
in Shelby-drag, Grace
Kelly for (and to say)
grace, Secretariat, so
we can all say we
ate with a winner,
& Fistula Babcock,
for her segues to heaven,
her eminent domain, her
Etta James without
the sass, &
her Irma Thomas without
the rain. Horseradish
on them Jesuit dogs,
sweet tea for the non-
swilling, paletas
(cookies and cream or nues)
in the aftermath,
cold and rushing.
Labels: vivacity
Sounds loike a lively group! I like Grace Kelley to say grace!
Seems like one wonderful feast!
feasting in that crescent-shaped cove
Linda: Who else but GK to say it? Perhaps Gracie, but then she'd say gracie.
GT: You can come, too, and I'll give you two paletas, so you can have both flavors...
what's to say. great guests, great food. should be written up in the Sunday paper.
OG: Let's give the byline to you...
Now that sounds like a party! Mind if the rest of us gather round at a nearby picnic? Not to interfere, but maybe just to overhear an occasional bit of grace.
Drooling like Pavlov's dog...
etta james really stands out to me :)
Anno: Come on, come all. I bought too many paletas and the dry ice is giving out.
As many paletas as you want, Stan. For you and the dog.
Ms Floreta, Etta stands out for everyone, for sure. I saw her in her prime-est prime at the New Orleans Jazz Fest. Outdoor concert, I was about fifteen feet from the stage: she tore it up, big tsunami mama. Besides, you rhyme with Etta.
Fun party, Murat, even though it's inhabited by many who are ghosts. On our first international concert tour, we played in the National Cathedral of Monaco in front of the Grimaldi graves on New Year's Day after the service while hordes and hordes of tourists filed past to look at Grace Kelly's grave. I believe we were featured in many a Japanese home video in 2003!
This is just a wonderful list...Secretariat caught me off guard but why not?
What fun! Glad to hear you have paletas to spare!
Teresa: Halloween party, cher: of course, there are ghosts! But, Secretariat promises to give rides for the kiddies (that's all of us), as does Foghorn - no apparition, he!
b Barbara: Sec caught me off guard, too, but insisted on a place at the table, er, trough.
Moise: If neither nues or cookies and cream do the trick for you, there's plenty more flavors available here in Tres Leches.
Great. I'll ride Secretariat!! I wonder if he does steeplechases now that he's able to float? That would be way cool! And Etta James could sing the victory song. That would be heaven. I'd skip the paleta, though unless you have chocolate. (I seem to have two candy addictions: Murat poetry and chocolate.)
Really a nice read!
i havent done as half as good as you!
but sure would wanna have ur views :)
Pop Comes the Baby
AD: Welcome to the party. We're all bozos on this bus...
Fun read...and FUN party! lol
All this mix of people and ingredients really makes me feel as though I was at the party.
Bobbie: Glad you came...
DM: Of course you were there. Who else to be the DJ but you?
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