hope for us all...

"The Childs are mutually devoted and supportive, yes, but also committedly carnal, whether it's Julia's description of the lunch and "naps" with which the couple filled her midday breaks from Cordon Bleu training, or Paul's feisty translation of a tricky French recipe: "Bathe the thighs in butter and then stuff the hen.... until she just can't take it any more." I won't even relay the obscene simile Child deploys to describe the firmness and heat of boiled manicotti, but it's enough to make Judd Apatow blush. The couplings of this giddy giantess and her bald, bespectacled hubby will probably do more for sex in America than all the frictionless collisions of aerobicized abs that Hollywood inflicts upon us for the next decade."
Labels: bon
That bottom label should be "bon appetit", non?
T: No, just "bon." I was thinking of the Italian chef in the sublime German film "Bella Martha" (released in the US as "Mostly Martha"). He lured a grieving child into eating his pasta with that one fine word.
I haven't read the book nor have I seen the movie. I will probably wait til it comes out on dvd though I may buy the book. There is something in me that is just tickled by the idea of the girl who wrote this coming up with the idea, following through and ending with a book and movie out of the deal. What a country!
Dee: The more I google clips of Streep as Julia, I'm about to get my ass in line for the late movie tonight.
I was making a joke about "appetites" after reading that last paragraph that you quoted...
Hope you enjoy the movie. A friend and I might go next week.
Teresa: Appetites, indeed...
I put this on my Netflix list and can't wait to see it. I have Julia Childs cookbook...but, it's not one I open much, perhaps because food has become more expensive and abit repetative lately.
But last night we had salad and sushi and bean & cheese burritos - it was divine.
Sonshine has of late been talking about maybe becoming a chef so we've been getting him more involved in cooking...not so sure this one will stick though :)
jsd: I like the idea of Sonshine as chef: a very kinesthetic profession to match his own ability to dance.
I have no words for how much I love Meryl Streep. She's the most entertaining actress I've ever seen. I'm really looking forward to watching this one!
DM: I'm loving the Streep Revival. I've been off her for awhile, but we go way back - all the way back to Sophie's Choice and The French Lieutenant's Woman.
Just got back from the flick. Meryl Streep is fantastic, Amy Adams is adequate. Stanley Tucci with absolutely nothing to do is as good as ever. The Julia Child story bubbles over, the Julie story is kind of like a light beer.
Good news, Richard. Tucci definitely looked like he was in his glory in the clips, and Streep looks to be having a blast.
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