Sunday Scribbling #160: Follow

river dust
but I will not,
I will knot the threads
of my heart
the knees shall bend
but I will not,
claims of notability
I will
climb the heirs of
I shall
claim the busy world
in her staggering
I must
but dither in false
praise in caravans
pacify groaning self-weight
vilification is blood sport
but so is the tether at
our necks
amethyst geodes will
be broken
thundering dust
his and hers
in the archives by
the rivers
caverns of worth
in the dimmest words
the sheerest veils
Avalons in merrymaking
the 10,000 suns our
signal, birthing
visual teleplay
the fortnights of worry
flirted away, in
the consummations of
global consequence
frittered through
this one’s that &
that one’s this
better ask the wind
why she squanders
the heart by which
she leads.
Labels: four hands
I love so many things about this - I love the use of not and Knot, and amethysts are my very favorite stone because of the plain ugly outside hiding the beauty inside. Beautiful!
Thank you, Dee. I love the large "cathedral"-sized amethyst geodes. Very soothing to slip your hand inside and feel their energy.
wonderfully knotty and full of swagger :)
jsd: Yowza! Happy Fiesta.
i love the knot/not throughout the poem. great wordplay!
Thank you, Floreta: This poem started as a semi-conscious riff off the rhythms of your "Blossom" poem.
Loved the knotty nots in here!
watch the movie from the sidewalks
GT: All slip-knots, I assure you...
The pied piper of poetry strikes again! I followed every knot through every satisfying line right to the very end. Wonderful!
Thank you, hermana Annita: apropos of nothing and everything, I just now finished EII. The Herschel scene blew me away: the house was empty (T and W are in Dallas for King Tut), so the howls only startled Blue the Wonderdog for a moment, as he settled at my feet.
Time for a long walk...
Peace to you in this day...
better ask the wind
why she squanders
the heart by which
she leads.
This spoke worlds to me. The entire poem is vivid and wonderful!
Tumblewords: Thank you again, my friend. Your words of appreciation always speak worlds to me...
Blessings to you.
I also love slipping my hand inside those large cavernous amethyst geodes.
Your poem: "I will knot the threads of my heart the knees shall bend but I will not" wonderful~
This language player does speak english.
I like the idea of Avalons in merrymaking. :)
Murat. Songwriters speak of creating the hook. The interplay of not/knot had me hooked. And as I read your other comments, this must be true! Fantastic imagery in this poem. I feel I have travelled the universe and back. Thank you.
Miz TLee: Thank you, as always. No doubt, the amethyst caverns steady the hand the holds the camera...
Ms Mood: You being one who can lift the veils to Avalon...
Thank you, Michael. Funny thing about hooks: sometimes they feel like the cheap and easy - word-wise, that is: I doubt they feel that way musically, more like mantra there. Still, a hook is a hook is a hook, and I'm glad this one found me.
"I shall claim the busy world in her staggering genius." That, my friend, is a good thing to mutter before putting feet to the floor each morning.
Lovely sounds that flirt, his and hers, back and forth, frittered, squandered. A wise investment of breath.
Sister San: With a nod, of course, to Mr. Eggers.
Wow? Can I? :)
That's nice!
Just beautiful...
Welcome, Alone on the Isle, and thank you...
This is a universal thing that’s come through you here! Ever’body loved it, followed it from kings to leads. I voted for royalty and swagger at first because I’m that way. I voted for it ‘fore I became dazed at the amethyst lot of lined up cars and then I saw they were not that at all and I was at home with the flirting and the fortnights of worry done withered, the consummations of global consequence frittered, for that is what I’ve always known, which is not to say anything of consequence, but merely to condense love to a paragraph of defenselessness. And to hope that you forgive me in the morning ; )
Duchess: Royalty and swagger you iz. Forgiveness you need never ask, beloved as you are.
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