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3. Share two teaser sentences from that page.
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5. Share title and author, other vital stats as needed.
From Seamus Heaney's translation of Beowulf (I'm going with actual "sentences" in the translation, not just lines):
Only the roof remained unscathed
by the time the guilt-fouled fiend turned tail
in despair of his life. But death is not easily
escaped from by anyone:
all of us with souls, earth-dwellers
and children of men, must make our way
to a destiny already ordained
where the body, after the banqueting,
sleeps on its deathbed.
Only the roof remained unscathed
by the time the guilt-fouled fiend turned tail
in despair of his life. But death is not easily
escaped from by anyone:
all of us with souls, earth-dwellers
and children of men, must make our way
to a destiny already ordained
where the body, after the banqueting,
sleeps on its deathbed.
Labels: not 44 years old
nothing quite so scholarly LOL
"There was fresh water waiting, and after the monsters left I picked it up with shaking hands. 'Drink' urged my little voice, already growing fainter, I pressed the clay rim against my lips and drank it until the pitcher was dry.
Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs
Dee: Seems a perfect mate for Wulf and his trophy. The litcrits can make Beowulf out to be all they want it to be, but for my seniors, it's just one damn fine poem that reaches in and manages to grab them, sometimes even unbeknownst to them...
I loved Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs, Dee. And my kids and I loved Beowulf in high school English. Unfortunately those days are gone. From the book open before me on the desk (that I really need to finish tonight...)
"It is indeed only in the disjunctive time of the nation's modernity--as a knowledge caught between political rationality and its impasse, between the shreds and patches of cultural signification and the certainties of a nationalist pedagogy--that questions of nation as narration come to be posed. How do we plot the narrative of the nation that must mediate between the teleology of progress tippin gover into the 'timeless' discourse of irrationality?" from "The Location of Culture" by Homi Bhabha p. 142
Makes me want to read it all over again :)
jsd: A great translation, this.
Teresa: I'd say dragons and monsters fit in quite nicely with the "questions of nation as narration." I can't speak for Ms. Briggs, but what is Grendel if not a "'timeless' discourse of irrationality?"
Well chosen. Synchronicity marches on...
legends about werewolves, skinwalkers, dragons, and mages are well, not timeless exactly but they should be :) After spending the day with computers - a little irrationality is exactly what I need!
Oh, I'd say they are timeless, Ms Dee. Hope you find a happy cup of irrationality this eve...
I would say that werewolves, skinwalkers, tricksters, dragons, mages, Grendel and Grendel's mother are all timeless discourses of irrationality. It was amazing that there were two sentences on the page which fit so well. But I guess that is the beauty of literary criticism. It can do just about everything.
"The Wisdom of the Desert" - Thomas Merton:
One of the brethren had sinned, and the priest told him to leave the community. So then Abbot Bessarion got up and walked out with him, saying: I too am a sinner!
jsd: Sort of the anti-Grendel: community as narration.
WaHoo, perfect for this our upcoming Halloween!
Love that writing, so straight forward and haunting.
MizLee: Beowulf is a great Halloween poem, ain't it?
"All these things would add up, and be added to, by something in her personality, and surely that was what the man would be trying to comment on, when he paid her the compliment of giving her name to his mare.
This man was not the one who was believed to be in love with her (and whom she was believed to be in love with.)
--Alice Munro, "The Ticket," from The View from Castle Rock.
Ms San: I do love me some Alice Munro. Thanks for adding this to the compendium.
hmmm - added to my ever growing Amazon wishlist. What a treasure to find.
Dee: You don't even have to wish. Just run, don't walk, right on down to the Paris Public Liberry.
How cool to see what everyone is reading and to see how it all fits together!
I agree Teresa - it is very cool, and I can't afford the library Professor - I have so many books stacked up, this time of year I just end up with fines LOL. I read enough of a sample on Google books to know I would want to take my time and savor these anyway.
Dee: Oops. Sounds like you need a personal book manager, to keep them fines down.
Ms. Dee, One would think you still live in the era of subscription libraries.
Methinks she lives in the era of outrageous liberry fines.
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