A "meme"-away, a "meme"-away

Ten Years Ago: May 1998
Tina was three months into carrying the Babe of Babes, our now nine year old beauty of a son: he is growling Taz-like in the background and singing as I write this: it is best friend’s birthday party today—they are headed to the latest Indy Jones flick and camping out in friend M’s backyard tonight.
I was in my last days as a therapist, writing poetry like crazy, cracked open by my classes with Hoa Nguyen, poetry teacher extraordinaire, former student herself of Tom Clark out in San Francisco. I was reading poetry like mad as well, a “whateverth” generation offspring of an amalgam of the New York School of Poets (Schuyler and O’Hara, and later folk Ted Berrigan and wife Alice Notley) and the Black Mountaineers (Olson, Duncan, and Levertov), and making my way back through to Pound and HD and Mina Loy and Snyder and all the party that was 20th century rock and roll poetizing. I couldn’t get enough. As a fiction writer, I reveled in the instant gratification of poems, though part of me (a wee part, sure) thought such instant grat was straight out cheating. This was also when I discovered the joy of reading poetry behind a microphone and letting it rip. I learned the valuable lesson that poems are lurking everywhere.
The pageantry of
5 Things on Today’s To Do List:
1. Lay Eucharistic Minister at Church, bidding farewell to the Influx Transposer Familia, que lastima.
2. Taking Mr. Baby to meet up with M at the Quarry Cinema.
3. Spectating at the Talent Show going away party for choir director Barbara at church.
4. Re-reading this awesome quote from Raymond
5. Why this here meme, cher.
5 Things I’d Do If I Were a billionaire:
1. Rebuild and staff LeRuth’s Restaurant in
2. Run a publishing company that published unpublished writers who should not be on the outside looking in. On second thought, we’d have to redefine just exactly what “publish” means.
3. Hire Oprah’s trainer and chef right out from under her, BUT SHARE them with her for free.
4. Open an art space that featured the works of Tina Karagulian, San Meredith, Wild Bill Tick Tock, Ms Influx, and Tammie Lee, for starters.
5. Tear down at least one major dam that’s participated in the killing of our rivers: Snake?
Three Bad Habits:
1. Rooting for teams other than the home team.
2. Amy’s Ice Cream.
3. Amy’s Ice Cream, while rooting for teams other than the home team.
5 Places I’ve Lived:
5. Tres Leches.
5 Jobs I’ve Had:
1. Woodworking with the Hummers of Reagan Wells,
2. Archiving in and around Eudora Welty’s papers at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History.
3. Bush-hogging more pastures of gorgeous sunflowers than any human being should have in seven lifetimes.
4. Land surveying the Texas Hill Country.
5. Writing consultant for this project: Common Ground.
(5) Folks I’m Taggin’. The usual suspects, of course, some of whom could cut and paste their answers from a suspiciously similar earlier meme: ALT, San, Lee, and that traveling IT mujer. I don’t get out to many blog-parties, so 4 tags will have to do. Deadline is by the time that “End of Time” cycle comes around that the Maya and Terence McKenna have been talking about. You gotta a few more years, folks.
Labels: cebuano, tag a long, tagalog
As soon as I saw your title it was singing in my head, fun.
Your life ten years ago reads like a rich novel. You are livin', well were, yet seems you still are!
That is one amazing quote, you quote.
Ahh, you make me smile, including me in your art space, amazing how a heart can go soft in a moment.
You have been my cup of tea this morning, lovely way to greet the day.
Thank you.
Oh, and that photograph, lovely!
Memes…uff! You’re a trooper, you’re game, you’re a saint... Or maybe it’s just that you didn’t duck in time? Nice other snapshot of you, though! Makes me miss Texas. I lived in the Dallas area 1988 to 2006. There’s something about Texas, an aura, a pride well deserved in the air, for the state is a grand one, and not just in size. It has its own purpose in life on this planet, it's wise and strong, its history is alive, and its people are Well hi there! C’mon in! Sit right down! they’re saints… Ah! there’s my answer.
Thanks, Paschal! And while you were tagging me, I was tagging you. :) The Shrinky meme from Terry's place is come to San Antonio.
TL: I'm a complete sucka for memes. Your photographs are well worth the space: they are grounded and ethereal all at once.
What better way to start a day than tea in Montana?
No credit for the photo, though it is the gorgeous Austin greenbelt when Barton Creek is running. A paradise in itself.
Miss A: I don't duck memes, chica: I swallow them. Been a sucker for hit lists since 1965 and KONO's weekly Hot Whatevers. Memes just appeal to the inner slam books in us all. That's the true SECRET, no?
As Brother Lyle would no doubt say, "That's right, you're not from Texas, Texas wants you anyway." It's clear from your delightful writing that you wuz a Tejana soul sister long before you got here. We'll leave the lights on for you, so you can eventually navigate back home.
Wishing you well this Meme-orial Day.
Lee: I'll be checking in shortly for my latest assignment.
Pffft! You can have them! At least you’ve helped me to see what the fortunate problem is: I had to crack the Wikipedia and look up “slam books” LOL! Oh lordy…yes, it’s been sheltered… So! How ‘bout them Spurs?!
Lord love Lovett and Texas…you don’t have to have big hair, you just have to be there!
I’ll be looking for those lights… Say, it might be awhile yet, though, so you might wanna switch to CFLs if ya haven’t already done so!
All the best of the peace and good wishes to you this day as well, of course, you enjoyably overly clever one ;-)
Miss Alister: I would never expect you to fall prey to Meme's disease: far too hip a one for that, I'm sure.
About them Spurs: meme-aphobe that you are, you missed the significance of #1 under Bad Habits: San Antonio native son, even a big road named after my grandfather, I am, ahem, a Lakers fan. More precisely, I am a Phil Jackson fan, which required this Laker-hating primordial Celtics fan to make amends with the Nemesis in the year 2000.
A few years ago, a sportstalker said that not rooting for the home team was a clear sign of bad breeding. Bad to the bone, I'd say.
I'm glad to see that slam books have been immortalized by the Wikipedia pantheon.
You know I'm blonde, right?
Blonde is as blonde does. That ain't blonde ravings over at The Essence. Fo sho.
You're right, Murat. A little deja vu was occurring as I read a couple of your answers. And yup, I can cut and paste in a similar manner.
Here's hoping that billion comes your way promptly! I could use a second gallery to show my art and the rivers could use the undamming and the undamning. BUT I would ask you to share Oprah's trainer and chef with me too. Once you started selling my paintings big time, I (we) would be visiting Tres Leches with frequency, to do drop-offs of expensive paintings (and clocks) and I'm sure that the trainer would relocate there too. Your billionaire self would remain in Tres Leches, no?
Walden must be an excellent swimmer. And hiker. And ice cream connoisseur.
"Poems are lurking everywhere." On top of the ice cream cone, at the bottom of the river.
Thanks for giving me a Mayan timeline for the meme. Like you, I take my memes seriously. And today I put up two that Lee had tagged me for.
Ms San: Wow, cool, I just learned what happens when I click the "Collapse Comments" link. Only took 3 years of blogging, but heh...
No, I don't think I would be in Tres Leches once the first gazillion came in. A more temperate clime, methinks, or climes, as the case may be: something in Florence, for sure; something seaside for the other two resident sea-hounds, too. Galleries in all the places, so no problema there.
Sharing the trainer, natch. Why should O or M (or P) get all the fun? S and WBTT should be in on the fun, too. Apropos of the publishing thang, we'll also have P! and S! and T! and WBTT! magazines to go along with our other Oprah-thefts. And I'll stop right here, cuz I wuz about to go off on a James Frey rant that would have gotten us nowhere. Ahem.
It's good to see you back in blog action.
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