Sunday Scribblings #195: Delicious

"Medical Tourism" Mecca
& one word wonders: blinds
the fog squishes
the animals blink
your figure-8s be
timely, variably,
if tasting
the taste is blind
calculated beyond
"got me dreaming"
down the alice
taste this, mija
by the statues
of regret
the red one in the window
past the cavalcades
the diadems
the master blasters
rounding the bay
setting down
in calcutta
dreaming of even farther
hospice pleasure
empty yourself
ask yourself
the last question
impregnate it with
your final answer.
Labels: in the window
down the alice highways - statues of regret - last question - final answer: tasty.
Praline candy, my brother.
very sensual! s]especially like:
"got me dreaming"
down the alice
taste this, mija
and the mention of calcutta :)
Floreta: I know you're heading West to East; my head's been living in the East quite a bit over the past few weeks, while reading two books by Lawrence Osborne: Bangkok Days and The Naked Tourist. I'm eager to read about your journeys in the New Year.
this is master blaster itself!
Delicious Cabaret
Thank you, AD. Good to have you drop by.
Interesting place that hospital, and the very phrase "medical tourism" opens up all shapes of worm cans. Looks like your reading has taken you on some lyrical detours down those Alice highways. Keep trucking past those statues of regret, nothing to see there.
These lines just kind of haunted me:
hospice pleasure
empty yourself
ask yourself
the last question
impregnate it with
your final answer.
I have such mixed feelings about medical tourism and even worse feelings about the organ "donations" in the Far East.
Dee: Lawrence Osborne's Bangkok Days and The Naked Tourist have certainly turned my world upside down in many many ways, not least of which was the rising medical tourism industry in Bangkok and other places in the East.
Teresa: I'm sure I am just skimming in this regard: certainly, you and Chris would have much more developed positions on all this. The "tourist spectacle" of these places is what grabbed me for now. Osborne made a point of going to Bangkok for all his dental work, as it cost him a fraction of what it would have cost him in Manhattan. The lighter, yet perfectly understandable, side of things, no doubt.
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