Saturday, July 25, 2009

one word pynchon: gravity

rainbow children all amiss
lost in the trees
the rivers abdundant
the rough gods and their
amber trysts.
look beyond where
you are carried:
look down the dawns
of inventory,
the meek vistas
of the agile myths.



Blogger Teresa said...

Hello, Murat. I guess I have a new author to put on my "To Read" list. From the google search that I did, it seems that he and you are soul mates or long lost brothers or something. Since I haven't read him yet, I don't know if you captured his feeling. You certainly managed to work in most of the words associated with him. G'd on you for that, mate!

3:45 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Teresa: Pynchon is, for me, the pantheon. I doubt that I am capable of capturing his feeling; I can certainly capture his effect (on me). If you're willing to follow the man, he burrows deep.

Be sure and avoid Mason & Dixon (sorry, TP) at all costs. V's good for a rev-up, The Crying of Lot 49 for a break, Gravity's Rainbow and Against the Day for the real soul experience. Vineland is the bone he threw us after 17 years of waiting beyond GR, halfway to the mecca of ATD.

3:59 PM  
Blogger Dee Martin said...

Here I was doing somersaults on the lawn and you were gliding through the canopy. I still haven't read Gravity's Rainbow - the local library used to have it but no longer, so it's on the Amazon wish list which is at this moment nearly book length itself. This gives me colors - pearlescent and golden, yellow ochre and deep blue, purple and crimson. While your last was music, this is a painting.

4:37 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Dee: What about interlibrary loan? Does the Paris biblioteca have it for free like down here in Tres Leches? Order it up for some late summer reading (remember, there are daze and daze and daze before school starts again) and dive deep.

5:09 PM  
Blogger anno said...

Somewhere I read that Oedipas Maas tours a Yoyodyne plant. Is it possible that The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai (the movie) borrows from Gravity's Rainbow?

OK, I'm really going to get to this. As soon as I finish Wally Lamb.

Still pondering the "meek vistas of the agile myths."

5:24 PM  
Blogger Dee Martin said...

I will check into that. I have several stacks next to the bed right now and as I sit here and do what I LIKE I should be creating my presentation for staff development and putting together the basics for doing some training for the church website. I am however the queen of procrastination so those things will be done - last minute. Hmmm, a trip to the library may be necessary Monday...

6:10 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Anno: She does indeed, so they must have. Nothing like a little GR for the beginning of school, but then, you all start up at a sensible post-Labor Day time of year, right?

7:40 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Dee: Be forewarned: if you do have free interlibrary loans, it can be addictive. Our system is set up so that we can do all the ordering online. It was bad enough when I found out we had the program; finding out about "home shopping" was probably more information than I should have had.

Apropos of church doings, our priest is on "sabbatical" for six months in Rwanda doing post-genocide reconciliation work; part of the deal was that the whole church would also go on sabbatical, which has been an interesting way to open up all our journeys, without the readymade scheduling infrastructure. It's been quite interesting for us all.

7:47 PM  
Blogger Teresa said...

Blessings on your priest for doing post-genocide reconciliation work in Rwanda. It is great that the congregation is open enough to take the Sabbatical with him and broaden its horizons. It's always good to get out of the ritualistic comfort zone de vez en cuando. I am reminded that Moses encountered the Almighty in the burning bush when he was out in the desert at "the backside of the mountain" while herding sheep instead of while he was living as a prince of Egypt. I think we are all more open to the numinous when we are out of our comfort zones.

8:53 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Teresa: I agree. Robert's sabbatical was a beautifully crafted, intentional leave-taking, and his occasional posts back have been mind- and heart-blowing. It was funny watching us all scramble at the beginning of summer, looking for our Adult Ed comfort zones, etc. By now, the walkabouts have pretty much taken hold.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Dee Martin said...

How exactly does your whole church take a sabbatical, if you don't mind me asking? It sounds intriguing and prayers for your priest.

9:24 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Dee: It basically meant that we all pretty much stepped out of our business as usual modes: shortening church office hours by a day (Mondays), letting go of Adult Ed classes for the summer, and then intentionally opening up time for fellowship around "reconciliation" stories (our church is The Episcopal Church of Reconciliation). We took sabbatical to mean time to stop; to reflect; to reclaim and proclaim who we have been and are; and to have fun as well. What many of us have done is "wander," where we might instead have been planning, doing, busy-ing.

Thank you for your prayers for Robert. I think this has really opened him up. Before even heading out to Rwanda, he did a silent retreat at a Benedictine monastery in New Mexico, and then did a nine-day backpacking trek into the Pecos Wilderness. I think he prepped himself quite nicely to receive whatever Rwanda had in store for him, which has been plenty.

10:16 PM  
Blogger Dee Martin said...

I'll continue to pray. He can't go here without being changed/reconciled.

11:03 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Thank you, Dee.

11:09 PM  
Anonymous Richard Wells said...

I swear you're drinking at the fountain these days. What's the genesis of the "one word" label?

12:13 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

Richard: Glad you're enjoying these poems, and thank you very much for your appreciative remarks. "One word" simply refers to the website that generates the "one word" prompts (they change them daily). Here's the link:
one word

11:39 PM  
Blogger San said...

If "the dawns of inventory" won't dream them down from those trees, I don't know what will.

Unless it's Crackerjack. In the box.

4:20 PM  
Blogger murat11 said...

San: I believe Sailor Jack could coax them down, and if not he, then surely Bingo. But, you're right: gotta have the box, and the toy to boot. What rainbow kid wouldn't come down for the toy?

12:31 AM  

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